“Grassroots groups like Moja brought new hopeful, creative and inclusive ways of being Iraqi in a country traumatised by decades of authoritarianism, imperialist military occupation, sectarian war and the fragmentation of its territory.”
Zahraa AliAuthor at OpenDemocracy
“"Café Moja is a small liberal island in the conservative Shiite pilgrimage town, in which almost everything else revolves around religion, in which there is hardly a woman who is not covered in black from head to toe."”
Monika BolligerEditor at Republik
“"Moja carried out a project called: “From Najaf, a message to Mosel.” Over a three-day period, about 1,000 handwritten letters were gathered from ordinary people in Najaf,
they told the people not to lose hope"”
Cathy BreenAuthor at Countercurrents.org
“Moja’s activities include “Christmas in Najaf,” a festival-like event in which Christmas trees are displayed in the main street of the city, a project Mekki said was initiated to make displaced Christian families from Mosul who settled in Najaf feel at home.”
Doreen Abi RaadAuthor at Abouna.org